Title: Shrimad Bhagavad Gita (as told by Yogeshwar Lord Krishna himself)
Date of creation: Margashirsha Shudhha Ekadashi (now known as Gita Jayanti)
Creation timespan: Dated 4000 years back (BC 1939)
Status: Known as India’s Ancient Brahmavidya knowledge Scripture or holy text in Sanskrit
Importance: Most accepted and respected holy text for all Hindus
Structure: 18 Stanzas, 700 holy verses
Style of Stanzas: 4 lines and 8 words in each stanza
First version appeared: Composed by Maharshi Vyas in Bhishma Parva, Mahabharata
Construction: Master and disciple (Guru and Shishya) dialogue, Upnishadiya type
Master and disciple (Guru and Shishya): Yogeshwar Lord Shrikrishna and great warrior Arjuna
The Secret of Gita (Gita Rahasya) or Crux of Gita: Doing your work or deeds (Karma) without looking for any returns or fruits, i.e. Karmayoga.
Source of inspiration: Lokmanya Tilak
Message from Gita: Achieving both, materialistic progress and spiritual satisfaction
Translated first in Indian languages: Shri Dyaneshwari (Bhavarth Deepika)
Best translation of the present times: ‘Geetai’ by Acharya Vinoba Bhave